Monday, December 29, 2014

Only in Russia: Squats for Subway Tickets!

In an initiative to encourage healthy living, the rail lines in Moscow are trading 30 squats for a ticket onto the subway.

Imagine if this was the norm in the US--bus tickets and entrance fees to clubs and bars totally negated by random workouts!  What if it was mandated that in order to buy a fast food item, you had to do as many burpees or jumping jacks or squats that equaled the caloric intake of said item?

Is this the wave of the future or just a faddish PR stunt?  Could you see the Subway Squat machine in a New York metro?  Regardless, people in Moscow are dropping it like it's hot then running to catch the trains.  If this becomes a trend throughout the nation, expect to see firmer, fitter Russians of all ages!

Post your thoughts and ideas below!

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

5 Faces Every Expat is Familiar With

That moment when you realise you need a visa extension...

After a long flight through a few time zones...

When someone talks back to you in English, regardless of the fact that you are speaking their native language...

Trying to flirt but there is an OBVIOUS communication barrier...

after an awesome night out in your new home town...